Praise the Lord!
Abiko Baptist Church will take the following actions in response to the declaration of emergency status announced on the 8th of April.
1. Attendants of worships (Sunday morning worships and prayers services) are limited to staff (the pastor, co-pastor, preachers and seminary students) basically. When you would like to attend one of worships in the church, please notify the church in advance. However, the church building is open (It is not closed.)
2. The church will provide you with a live video of Sunday morning worship on the Internet.
On the designated URL, you can watch the live from 10:45 AM. Please keep worship at home. If you don’t have access to the Internet, please worship God at home according to the “A Guide for Home Worship” written on the back of this sheet.
The worship live site is;
Also, on this site, how to worship at home is described.
The URL for the worship videos in the past that are uploaded is;
3. Sunday School classes and evening worships are closed.
A staff meeting and devotion is held from 2:00PM on Sundays.
4. To offer: Please remit the money to the church’s account with Yucho Bank once a month or bring it to church if you live in our neighborhood.
[In the case of remittance]
Please notify the church about the kinds of your offerings (monthly, for evangelistic activities, thanksgiving, at-the-table, etc.), your name by email, etc.
TEL: 04-7185-0185 / FAX:04-7151-4723 /
Our bank account Information is as follows:
Yucho Bank Accountholder’s name: Abiko Baptist Church Account type: Ordinary Account No.: 10550-66937321 (From an account with any banks other than Yucho Bank) Bank Code: 058 Branch Code: 058 a/c type: Ordinary a/c No.: 66937321
[In the case of bringing by yourself] Please put the money in the offering bag with a sheet on which the kinds of your offering are described.
5. Till the declaration by the government is lifted in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, we will take the above actions. The most updated information will be announced on the HP ( Please check our website.
whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, (Philippians 1:27, the latter half)
How to Worship at Home
When you can’t come to church, please have worship and a prayers service at home. Do so in the following order.
★ When you pray with your family members, the responsible family head will take an initiative.
1. Hymnal.
2. Opening prayers
3. Hymnal.
4. Offering (Each family prepares an offering bag and collects offerings at the table.)
5. Reading out the Bible or devotion guide
6. Bringing up prayers’ requests (prayers’ request in the weekly bulletin, etc.)
7. (In the case of many members) Praying for the requests in a pair.
l We will recommend you “Psalms” if you don’t know what to read in the Bible.
l You can use “Reiso” (the spiritual thoughts) column in the bulletin and Pastor S. Amari’s books (i.e. “The Baptist”, “The Plants in the Bible”, “God’s Wonderful Creation”, “Kibou no tomoshibi” series, etc.) as a devotional guide.
Keep worships at everyone’s home, while looking forward to worshiping with brothers and sisters face to face.