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To Church Members and Worship Attendees: The church will be closed until September 19th (Sun).

From September 14th;

① Requests to worship attendees

● Those who think that they are close contacts (by the definition of the health center: 1: living together, 2: people who have talked or eaten within a range of 15 minutes or more and 1 m or less without a mask), or those who are concerned. Please refrain from activities for about 10 days or perform a PCR test. PCR tests can also be done at Matsudo Health Center.

● If anyone has a positive result, please let us know.

② About changes in worship schedule, etc.

● The schedule will be postponed and the church will be closed until at least September 19th (Sun).

● On September 19th (Sun), we will hold an online service from 10:45 am (Please refrain from visiting because the sanctuary is closed). Church events such as the officer meeting will be postponed.

● We are considering the schedule after September 20th. We will report on this website as soon as it is decided.

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